(Snip) something brief.

(Snip) something brief.

I can’t take life serious. So I paint. Life means that I am conscious in the 21 century. That’s a term used to canonize existence of human knowledge progressed from year zero. Actually, human knowledge claims to go beyond year zero. 
Why have zero if it means nothing? Why have human knowledge?

Destination Cosmos: Rendezvous Spots
• Rev Bill and the Stop Shopping Choir
• Slab City
• Moab 
• Attend Class at Harvard/MIT/Yale/Berkeley
I pulled out a red pen made of cardboard. There was a hole in the top. I stuck a feather in it. Now I have a slight headache and a feather pen. I feel smart.

We are so low to the ground it feels cold.
If we should rise from this planet earth home,
does the coldness fade to heat waves up high?

So low snip auwa
Auwa highest high snip


I’m covered in paint and the room is rearranged. I left it all fucked but to you it was charming, and I let you in to watch me. I let you in to see me dance in a thong and paint my nails to your favorite color. He and she and blood takes us up to the highest high. 


Oh no, how did we get down here? Don’t blame me. Don’t look at me. Just watch me paint my face. I’m pretty all over, and this time I’m real. Are you sure you can handle who I am?

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