Free Art: Face Her
My art is free. Use it as a tool to instigate discussion around human nature. Display it in an environment to enhance that discussion.
You can choose to donate in order to help me buy materials or you can have it for free. All you have to do is pay for the shipping, which is 30-100 bucks depending on U.S. or international shipping.
All art should be free. Art liberates the mind. The mind liberates humanity. Humanity liberates itself from learned needs and wants. We only think we are trapped, successful, weak, or strong. Humanity has proved that people can survive on nothing. If you doubt that then you must believe every living human being has what they need to survive.
Free Art: Face Her
Face Her, painted on organic canvas represents our desire to change those that we can reach inside. We are all able to push other people into directions. Sometimes we desire to be helpful and sometimes we just want the control.
I created the piece on a non-stretched canvas with acrylic paints this year in Los Angeles, California. It was just a study at first. Then, I couldn’t stand not to throw white paint all over and use a dywall knife to spread it. Then I just got more angry and started spreading many colors with this knife. So much emotion is hidden under the black background. It’s full of violent slashes. Although, there is still sensuality in it.
This handmade figurative abstract piece is great home decor in a light and warm or cool painted room that needs a philosophical and colorful infusion. Modern art can serve as a reminder of our colorful world.
20 × 48 inch acrylic painting on hand cut, non-stretched, primed cotton canvas.
delivers rolled up and ready for a custom frame
Packed environmentally friendly